Uncontested Leader
Amazon is a shopping behemoth. It’s so well established as the no.1 shopping destination that 1 in 2 Americans looking to buy start on Amazon, with only 22 percent going first to Google (Civic Science). No wonder Amazon reported revenues of $280.5 billion USD in 2019.
Piece of the pie
Google recently announced a change to their terms of service eliminating retailer fees for Google’s shopping service. It’s no surprise to see Google fighting back with this tactic along with a series of changes designed to attract more merchants to its shopping platform.
Sign of the times
The timing for this announcement couldn’t be better for Google as we’ve recently seen a huge spike in ecommerce as well as a wave of small businesses forced to sell online due to COVID-19.
Even though Google wouldn’t comment on these moves being part of a bigger attempt in competing with Amazon, we always love to companies competing for market share as this tension will lead to faster innovation, with consumers and retailers ultimately benefiting from a better service experience.
Link to the full article.
Image Credit: Bloomberg