
Elevating services into expertise

Starting with our proprietary diagnostic 6DP tool, we address every aspect of growth acceleration, from business objectives and strategy development to brand identity, digital transformation, and media planning. So, it's more than just services, it's trusted expertise.

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Proven systems to prioritise a path to growth.

6DP – 6 Dimensions of Potential Consulting
Growth model – markets, products, price, customer
Business diagnostics
Business strategy
Brand strategy
Technology strategy
Product & service design

Brand Creation

Building strong brands through world-class creative ideas.

Platform driven creative ideas
Digital and social first campaign
Brand strategy – create, refresh, amplify
Qualitive & quantitative research
Brand strategy & launch
Brand identity & design
Brand tracking & measurement


Enhanced customer intelligence & experiences that accelerate growth.

Product & Service Design
Customer journey mapping & strategy
Customer Lifecycle Management
Experience Design
Employee experience design
Conversion rate optimisation
UX & UI Design

Data & Technology

Data insight elevated by the right technology for competitive advantage.

Digital transformation
Martech architecture and implementation – CRM, Marketing Automation, CDP, VoC, DAM
Website & App Build
Ecommerce consultancy/optimisation and implementation
Data Mining & Advanced Analytics
Predictive Modelling & algorithm development
Data & cloud architecture


Media that grows business not just impressions.

Strategic media planning
Media buying – TV, OOH, Radio,
Programmatic & social trading
Campaign optimisation

Happy workers at AFFINITY
Happy workers at AFFINITY

Potential Realised

Are you ready to realise your potential? Whether you want to put your brand, or your career, on the path to growth we should chat.
Call AFFINITY’s CEO, Luke Brown, on + 61 2 8354 4400.