Tourism Central Coast

Have a Little Adventure


Central Coast NSW is a regional area located about 1 hour north of Sydney. It has abundant natural beauty in beaches, lakes and forests.

The growth potential was there, however, Tourism in the Central Coast region of NSW had been declining in real terms for the last 5 years. The Coast’s biggest source of visitors was from Sydney, just an hour south, but they were coming in fewer and fewer numbers. The problem was people didn’t know what it waw about or have anything positive to say. “Central Coast is the bogan capital of Australia.

We clearly had a big hurdle to overcome.


Our strategy was to not compete with the big budget annual trip, but to increase occasion usage with Sydney-siders. The perfect short stay escape from the Sydney rat race. But first we needed to create a brand.

The perfect positioning was revealed to us through real-time multi-variant testing to get direct feedback from our target on what would actually motivate them to get in their cars and head North. They wanted Adventure. But not with a capital A. We identified that all tourism campaigns promise the best experience ever. But what if we were different? We embraced our lack of the Opera House, towering mountains and Great Ocean Road. To be memorable (and believable), we needed to be realistic about our offering. Whilst the adventures you can have on the Central Coast are amazing, and you’ll love every second, and there are plenty adventures to be had, they’re not massive. Because when you come to the Central Coast you come to…Have a Little Adventure.

A fresh website was created as the functional focus of the brand — a place to help surface all the cool little adventures on offer. An important feature of the site are the itineraries. To heighten utility for travel intenders and therefore conversion, a cornerstone of the content are carefully curated 1-7 day journeys, strategically highlighting new and exciting adventures that will appeal to our target.

This approach drove record visitation to the region helping the Central Coast realise its potential, and deliver millions little adventures.

The Results

  • $283,000,000 incremental tourist revenue
  • 34% increase in tourism revenue
  • 2.14M additional visitors

Potential Realised

Are you ready to realise your potential? Whether you want to put your brand, or your career, on the path to growth we should chat.
Call AFFINITY’s CEO, Luke Brown, on + 61 2 8354 4400.